Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Health Assurance vs Medical Insurance

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Advanced Scientific Health

Most people believe that genetics or bad luck gave them diseases for which the only treatments are drugs and surgeries. As a result, organized medicine will sell in excess of  three-trillion-dollars worth of drugs and surgeries in 2013.

Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year MORE, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and surgically-treated diseases. 

The good news is you now have a choice.

 The Law of Health and Disease
Just as there is the Law of Gravity, Law of Relativity and Law of Attraction there is also the Law of Health and Disease.

Unfortunately, the Law of Health and Disease is not taken into consideration nor is it being factored in to diagnosis, prognosis, medical treatment plans and procedures by the medical mainstream and many times the alternative health care community.

Neglecting this simple Law of Health and Disease is the major contributor to the current health care crisis facing this nation. The numbers being diagnosed and suffering with degenerative diseases continue to rise. Increase in the costs of treating these so-called diseases also continues to rise. Little has been accomplished through the practice of medicine or through the many current unethical research programs taking place.

Isn't it time to take a more logical approach?

Science has given us the proof that the human body was Created perfectly. It was really fairly simple. The body was created to have specific elements, minerals and enzymes available in the proper ratio, the correct form and in sufficient supply to create the optimum internal environment. An internal environment that would not [ and could not ] host any disease.

ANY body can heal itself of ANY disease within a very short period of time, once this knowledge is applied, and  is the very natural, simple, safe, effective and affordable solution for billions.

Today is the day we truly reform the health care system in this country and around the world.  Soon there will be no reason to give thought to dis-ease but only to simply enjoy good health. 

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Medical Mistakes

1993-2003: Medical mistakes took 7.8 million lives... Organized medicine killed more Americans in last decade than all U.S. wars combined

The most comprehensive report on the state of U.S. healthcare ever conducted shows that organized medicine has killed 7,841,360 Americans in the last 10 years. "Our estimated 10-year total of 7.8 million iatrogenic [doctor-induced] deaths is more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the U.S. throughout its entire history," commented the Nutrition Institute of America (NIA), in its report, "Death By Medicine" (Oct., 2003).

The concept of the report was prompted by the fact that, while conventional medicine kills hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, government regulators attempt to ban and restrict the use of vitamins and herbs that kill no one.

Incidentally, the report, which resulted from the compilation and analysis of 94 U.S. hospitals and hundreds of medical journal articles, determined that medical error causes an astounding 783,936 deaths per year (and growing). "It is evident that the American medical system is itself the leading cause of death and injury in the U.S.," the authors observed.

The purpose of the report was to memorialize the total failure of the American medical system and to "provide the basis for competent and compassionate medical professionals to recognize the inadequacies of today's system and at least attempt to institute meaningful reforms," wrote the editors of Life Extension magazine.
Life Extension has posted the entirety of the NIA report at its website. This report should be read by everyone who has been or is currently hospitalized or being treated with "conventional" medicine. As more people become aware of the magnitude of the problem, they will become more empowered to take charge of their own healthcare.

Top 10 causes of death in the U.S.
Note: Not mentioned is the true #1 killer-780,000 fatal medical mistakes each year which can be attributed to incorrect diagnoses and adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.

Slices of Pharma Pie
Cardinal Health (healthcare) $47.9 Billion
Merck (pharmaceuticals) $47.7 Billion
Pfizer (pharmaceuticals) $32.3 Billion
Glaxo Smith Kline (pharmaceuticals) $29.5 Billion
Bayer (pharmaceuticals) $27.1 Billion
United Health Group (healthcare) $23.4 Billion
Bristol-Myers Squibb (pharmaceuticals) $21.7 Billion
Pharmacia (pharmaceuticals) $19.3 Billion
Novartis (pharmaceuticals) $18.9 Billion
Amerisource Bergen (healthcare) $15.8 Billion
WellPoint Health Networks (healthcare) $12.4 Billion
Source: Forbes 500, 2002 Revenue

Barney Folger

   Brilliant men and women have discovered how to reverse chronic illness. Their work is supported by known science and decades of case histories. Yet unless you are a student of Nobel prizes, read old medical literature as a hobby or have a penchant for holistic health information, opportunities to become acquainted with this vital information probably never presented themselves. But that is changing. 
Barney Folger's life was saved by orthomolecular nutrition in 1997 after refusing to lay down for a fourth heart surgery. Since then, Barney formed ASH and thousands of lives have been saved.
ASH Founder Barney Folger

In 1997, at the age of 53, land developer Barney Folger of Marietta, Georgia, was being scheduled for his fourth heart surgery since being diagnosed with heart disease in 1990.

To fully understand what was going through Barney's mind after being told by his cardiologists that they needed to operate on his heart again, one must appreciate the months of agony associated with post-operative recovery. Rather than endure another heart surgery, Barney put his clothes back on and went home. The last words from his cardiologists after he fired them and walked out the door was, "You could die, Barney."

But Barney knew that the next surgery would kill him. "Now I had to find a way to save my life," Barney recalls. Several weeks later Barney was talking to a good friend, who happened to be a doctor, about his most recent health-related turn of events. Realizing that Barney had decided he would rather die than survive another operation, his doctor friend described to him a protocol that could reverse his otherwise terminal heart disease. "He explained that many doctors use vitamins and minerals to avoid open heart surgery and that they rarely prescribe the same treatment to their patients."

Thankful for the tip and his friend's candor, but shocked by the revelation that effective alternatives to open heart surgery were common knowledge among doctors' circles, Barney began investigating and discovered the world of orthomolecular nutrition, and the work of doctors Brewer, Pauling, Warburg and others.

His doctor friend later confirmed what Barney's research had uncovered: That it was for purely economic reasons the public was "prescribed" bypass operations at $50,000 each instead of vitamins and minerals costing one-tenth of one percent of that amount.

Since regaining his own health through the supplemental regimen currently being offered through ASH, Barney, healthy at 65, has been driven to inform as many people as possible about the life-saving protocols of orthomolecular nutrition.

Vickie Barker

A headache and "good" medical insurance

   In 1991 I was a 35-year-old district manager for the State Department of Human Resources. I had good medical insurance, so I went to see a doctor about headaches that were really only a minor annoyance.

The doctor prescribed pain pills for my headache. The headache went away but other problems began to surface.

During the next 12 months I was diagnosed with TMJ, sinusitis and even depression. I was given more pills for those symptoms as well. The next year, my doctor told me that I now suffered from "chronic fatigue" and prescribed more pills.

By 1993 another term was added to my list of ailments-something called "fibromyalgia." Now I had a name for the new pains I'd begun to feel all over my body. What a relief it was when I was prescribed more pills for fibromyalgia.

1994 brought a new round of symptoms and extensive testing with nuclear medicine, injections, magnetic waves and, of course, new prescriptions for more drugs. The term "multiple sclerosis" was added to my vocabulary and my doctor told me I had three to five years left to live.

I had five young children and there had to be a better solution than three to five years of more suffering and an early death. It occurred to me that I may be suffering from the adverse effects of prescribed drugs.

I began researching and discovered how the human body works. I also discovered a wonderful mentor: Barney Folger.

We began to realize that all diseases are merely different levels or degrees of degeneration of the body caused by elemental deficiencies which compromise the body's ability to repair and regenerate at the cellular level.

We knew we were on the right track as our efforts to teach people about how their bodies work have been rewarded every step of the way: When we needed a source for certain substances, we found them; when we needed people with specific skills and training, they appeared; when we needed more information, it came; when we needed proof that orthomolecular nutrition works, another person would report that their chronic symptoms had reversed.

The last several years of study and experience have proven to the founders and members of ASH that God created for us a perfect body. All it requires to be healthy are a few vitamins and minerals.

I am thankful to the scientific community, particularly to doctors Warburg, Brewer, Pauling and Klenner. They have provided us with the indisputable facts of how our bodies work, what causes them to get sick and how to help them heal.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" ~Hosea 4:6

I suspect that excellent health insurance, coupled with ignorance of how the body works, is the number one killer of Americans. That combination nearly killed me-but it didn't-and now my life is dedicated to showing others how to heal themselves easily and inexpensively through orthomolecular nutrition.

Evie Roberson

There must be alternatives to pills and surgery : 

Aside from the occasional cold or accidental injury, I had been healthy my whole life. During the mid-90s, a few unexpected hardships created a great deal of stress in my life. The stress affected my health so I went to see doctors who treated my symptoms with drugs-which created more symptoms and adversely affected my psychological well-being. During my annual checkup and mammogram in fall, 1999, my doctor informed me that I now had high blood pressure. He also told me that I had lumps in my right breast. He prescribed high blood pressure pills, told me to watch the lumps in my breast very closely until they become cancerous and insisted I take drugs for depression.
I decided that a life of popping pills and waiting for a mastectomy was not for me. Vickie Barker knew my husband and she put us in touch with Barney Folger. Barney introduced me to the concept of orthomolecular nutrition. This wonderful man explained how my body works and why it gets sick. He then described a simple regimen to correct my bodily imbalances. Hopeful, I ordered Master Formula 1 and Plus Aminos.(now combined as "No Fool i")  Within a few days I felt so much better I threw the drugs out.

Within six months my blood pressure was completely under control and has been ever since. In 2003, I gave myself a breast exam and, to my surprise and relief, the worrisome lumps had disappeared; to this day they have not returned.

There is no doubt in my mind that taking therapeutic amounts of ASH products (which, admittedly, do not taste very good) enabled my body to heal itself. I feel great all the time and am so thankful to have found this wonderful healing regimen. As thankful members of ASH, my husband and I have made it our mission to encourage others to learn about orthomolecular nutrition.

Building Blocks of our Physical Bodies

Calcium, magnesium, potassium:
Essential building blocks of our physical bodies

"Dust to dust" is a Biblical reference describing where our bodies came from and to where they return after our souls have left them. Science has since been able to confirm the dust-to-dust explanation by discovering that the building blocks of our physical bodies are elemental minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. In other words, elemental atoms combine to become molecules, which form bonds to make specific types of cells that arrange themselves to create the skin, bone, muscle, vessels, gray matter, fluids and connective tissues that comprise our bodies. From the aforementioned flowchart, it is easy to understand what happens to the body when it is not provided with adequate supplies of "dust."


Calcium is involved in almost every biological function and is the most abundant mineral in the body-99 percent of which is deposited in the bones and teeth. The remaining one percent provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for nerve stimulation responsible for muscle movement. Calcium is also critical to the metabolism of vitamin D and, to function properly, it must be accompanied by magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C, D and E.

Another important biological function of calcium is DNA replication, which is crucial for maintaining a vitally healthy body. DNA replication is the basis for all body repair and can only occur "on a substrate of calcium." Therefore, low calcium levels equate to impaired healing ability and premature aging.

Perhaps the most critical balance the body must maintain is the acid/alkaline balance, or pH. Calcium is vital to maintaining this balance. Calcium to acid is like water to a fire: Calcium quickly destroys oxygen-robbing acid in the body fluids. Sufficient intake of biologically-available calcium creates more oxygen at the cellular level, eliminating the environment necessary for cancer cells to thrive.

 Calcium quantity and quality: Researchers have examined the diet of people throughout the world who consume over 100 times our recommended daily allowance of calcium. These people live 40 years longer than we do, age at half the rate we do and are devoid of cancer, heart disease, mental disorders, diabetes, arthritis and other degenerative diseases. Nearly all of these people- Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Georgians in Russia, Tibetans, Hunzas of Northern Pakistan, Vilcabamba Indians in Ecuador, Bamas in China and the Titicacans in Peru-live at high altitudes above 8,000 feet. Their primary sources of water are melting glaciers, and the glacial water is so turbid and white with ground up rock that these cultures call the water "milk of the mountains."

Each quart of this water contains over 17,000 milligrams of calcium along with other minerals and 60 trace metals. These cultures drink lots of this water everyday and their crops are also loaded with calcium and other trace minerals.

The only long-living and disease-free culture that does not live above an altitude of 8,000 feet is the Okinawans in Japan. Okinawa is home to one of the world's highest concentration of centenarians (people living beyond their 100th birthday are not that unusual in Okinawa).


Though only accounting for about .05% of total body weight, magnesium is essential to many metabolic processes. Nearly 70% of body magnesium is deposited in bones and teeth with calcium and phosphorus; the remaining 30% is found in soft tissues and body fluids.

Magnesium promotes the absorption and metabolism of other minerals and, inside the cell, it activates the enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids.

The level of magnesium necessary for robust health is related to the amount of other minerals, particularly calcium, that is consumed. Higher levels of magnesium are also needed when blood cholesterol levels are high and when protein consumption is high.

Magnesium deficiency is especially prominent in those with diabetes (and other pancreatic disorders), chronic alcoholics and persons with kidney problems. Magnesium deficiency is linked to heart disease as it tends to result in the formation of blood clots in the heart and brain and contributes to the accumulation of calcium deposits in the kidneys, blood vessels and heart.

An adequate supply of magnesium is also necessary to retain the storage of potassium in the cells.
The use of supplemental magnesium has been known to help alleviate insomnia and, due to its alkalinity, is used in over-the-counter preparations as an antacid. It should also be noted that it is magnesium (combined with calcium), not calcium alone, that forms the hard tooth enamel that is resistant to decay.


An essential mineral found mainly in intracellular fluid, potassium constitutes about 5% of the body's total mineral content.

Potassium and sodium are critical to the regulation of water balances within the body. They work together regulating the distribution of fluids from one cell to another, preserve proper alkalinity of body fluids and the efficient removal of waste products generated by cellular function.

Because of its propensity to regulate the properties of body fluids, potassium is also critical to proper nerve and muscle function which depend upon the body's ability to transmit electrical impulses.

Sodium and potassium must be in balance for our vital body fluids to function properly. Excessive consumption of salt depletes body potassium levels. Excessive consumption of sugar also depletes potassium reserves.

Alcohol and coffee increase the urinary excretion of potassium; hormone pills and water pills compel the body to retain sodium while excreting potassium, aggravating the sodium/potassium balance.

Chronic symptoms of potassium deficiency are nervous system disorders, diabetes, digestive problems, headaches, allergies and cardiovascular irregularities.

Putting it all together

Dr. Carl Reich, M.D., began making advances in the science of preventing and reversing degenerative diseases through the consumption of large amounts of minerals (and the vitamins known to enhance their efficacy) about the same time Pauling, et al, were advancing the science of mega ascorbate therapy. In the 1950s, Dr. Reich discovered that his patients were able to "cure themselves" of almost all degenerative diseases by consuming several times the RDA of calcium, magnesium, vitamins A and D, and other nutrients. Dr. Reich was the first North American doctor to prescribe "mega doses" of minerals and vitamins to his patients and is considered by many to be the father of preventive medicine.

By the 1980s Dr. Reich had cured thousands, but lost his license for explaining that the consumption of mineral nutrients, such as calcium, could prevent cancer and a host of other diseases. This concept was considered by the American Medical Association (AMA) to be "too simple."

During the 1990s, in spite of the AMA, other medical doctors were discovering that calcium, along with other supplements, could indeed reverse cancer and the symptoms of other chronic diseases.

ASH developed Master Formula II as a way to supply the body with bioavailable therapeutic doses of calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and D.

Bechamp Instead Of Pasteur

Avoidable epidemics: Cancer, diabetes, heart disease. If civilization had only followed Bechamp instead of Pasteur...
The work of French biologist Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908) demonstrated that disease causes germs; Bechamp's contemporary (and former student) Louis Pasteur announced that his studies proved that germs cause disease. One man has been forgotten by history; the other is considered the father of modern medicine. If germs are outside attackers invading the body, then we can develop and market an endless array of weapons with which to kill them. But, if disease, or imbalance in the body, causes germs, then we must simply restore balance to remove the conditions upon which germs thrive.
Pasteur's germ theory of disease gave birth to the pharmaceutical age. Had modern medicine adopted Bechamp's disease theory of germs and the subsequent work of doctors Brewer, Warburg and Pauling, it would be common knowledge that the symptoms of disease are prevented or reversed by nutrition at the cellular level.

What Happened?

At the turn of the last century the leading causes of death were infectious diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia and syphilis. Since the turn of the last century, cancer, heart disease and other chronic ailments have become the leading causes of death. Improvements in public sanitation and personal hygiene-and year-round access to fresh produce-can explain the decline in deaths from infectious disease. But what explains the meteoric rise in death from chronic diseases?

Is "vitamin C" really a vitamin?

 After 40 years of research, Dr. Irwin Stone stated his conclusion that an ancient genetic mutation left the primate virtually alone among animals in not producing ascorbic acid in his own body. By labeling ascorbic acid a "vitamin" and attaching to it a "minimum daily requirement," most people exist in a state of sub-clinical scurvy-the symptoms of which are attributed to other ailments. By the 1950s Dr. Stone's work with ascorbates had explained the success of Dr. Klenner's use of ascorbic acid to treat polio. By the 1960s, Dr. Stone's work had attracted the attention of Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling . Dr. Pauling was then able to successfully apply "mega-ascorbate therapy" to a variety of ailments-including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
The answer is to change our thinking about vitamin C-which is really a metabolite that is essential to health and healing at the molecular level. Dr. Stone's foundational research has provided us with the knowledge to ward off disease, counteract the ill effects of pollution and prolong our lives-easily and inexpensively.

Vitamin C is not just for colds
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient and powerful anti-oxidant. A primary function of vitamin C is maintaining collagen, a protein necessary for the formation of connective tissue in skin, ligaments and bones. It is essential in healing wounds, fractures and burns since it facilitates the formation of connective tissue and in the prevention and treatment of artherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Vitamin C also aids in forming red blood cells, strengthens blood vessels and prevents hemorrhaging.

In his book "Nutrition Against Disease," Dr. Roger Williams observed, "Collagen is not only the most abundant protein in our bodies, it also occurs in larger amounts than all other proteins put together. It cannot be built without vitamin C. No heart or blood vessel or other organ could possibly perform its functions without collagen. No heart or blood vessel can be maintained in healthy condition without vitamin C."

How much vitamin C do we need?
Vitamin C is most well-known for its use as a preventative for the common cold and flu. Thousands can attest to the fact that taking several grams of vitamin C throughout the day for the next couple of days after the onset of a cold or flu minimizes the symptoms and speeds up recovery. The reason is that vitamin C enhances immunity. High blood levels of ascorbic acid have been shown to protect against a myriad of infections, free radicals, the harmful effects of pollution and even cancer.

Vitamin C is also called an "anti-stress" vitamin since it is essential in the formation of adrenaline. Large concentrations of ascorbic acid are found in the adrenal glands. During times of high stress, the level of adrenal ascorbic acid is rapidly used up.

Signs of deficiency

Scurvy, the disease caused by severe vitamin C deficiency, is marked by a failure of strength, general restlessness and rapid exhaustion. The final stages of scurvy are marked by profound exhaustion, diarrhea, and lung and kidney ailments.

Most people today suffer from what is known as "sub-clinical" scurvy. Bleeding gums, swollen or painful joints, slow-healing wounds and fractures, bruising, nosebleeds and impaired digestion are a few of the obvious signs of vitamin C deficiency. Less obvious signs include susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, various autoimmune diseases and cancer.

In the early 1900s, a disease known as Barlow's disease occurred in bottle-fed infants and was characterized by broken bones, bruises, and sores that wouldn't heal. Pasteurization (and heating of any kind) destroys the vitamin C in milk and mothers did not know the importance of supplementing their babies' diet with fresh orange juice as a source of vitamin C. Today we have many cases of Barlow's disease among formula-fed infants whose meager vitamin C reserves are depleted with each vaccine administered. Only today Barlow's disease has been renamed Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Note: At this time we have relatively unfettered access to vitamin C and other vitamins, herbs and supplements. But organized medicine is pushing global governments, including the U.S., to regulate these products like drugs.

Disease Name Game

Disease names are misleading and confuse patients about prevention and treatment  

The fastest way to solve most problems is to immediately establish cause and effect relationships. Failure to identify the true cause of a problem inevitably results in an incorrect assessment of what must be done to correct it. When it comes to sickness, treating the effect as a cause is a prescription for public health disaster.

By Mike Adams Cause or effect?
There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine to name a set of symptoms a disease. I was recently at a compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral density measured to update my health stats. I spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis. It was written by a drug company and it said exactly this: "Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak and fragile bones." Then the poster went on to say that you need a particular drug to counteract this "disease." Yet the language is all backwards. Osteoporosis isn't a disease that causes weak bones; osteoporosis is the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other words, the weak bones happened first, and then the diagnosis of osteoporosis followed.

The drug poster makes it sound like osteoporosis strikes first, and then you get weak bones. The cause-and-effect is all backwards. And that's how drug companies want people to think about diseases and symptoms: First you "get" the disease, then you are "diagnosed" just in time to take a new drug for the rest of your life.

But it's all hogwash. There is no such disease as osteoporosis. It's just a made-up name given to a pattern of symptoms that indicate you've let your bones get fragile.

Another example: When a person follows an unhealthy lifestyle that results in a symptom such as high blood pressure, that symptom is assumed to be a disease all by itself and it will be given a disease name. What disease? The disease is, of course, "high blood pressure." Doctors throw this phrase around as if it were an actual disease and not merely descriptive of patient physiology.

Fatal flaw
This may all seem silly, right? But there's actually a very important point to all this.

When we look at symptoms and give them disease names, we automatically distort the selection of available treatments for such a disease. If the disease is, by itself, high cholesterol, then the cure for the disease must be nothing other than lowering the high cholesterol. And that's how we end up with all these pharmaceuticals treating high cholesterol in order to "prevent" this disease and lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in the human patient.

By lowering only the cholesterol, the doctor can rest assured that he is, in fact, treating this "disease," since the definition of this "disease" is high cholesterol and nothing else.

But there is a fatal flaw in this approach to disease treatment: The symptom is not the cause of the disease. There is another cause, and this deeper cause is routinely ignored by conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies, and even patients.

Medical illogic
Let's take a closer look at high blood pressure. What actually causes high blood pressure? Many doctors would say high blood pressure is caused by a specific, measurable interaction between circulating chemicals in the human body. Thus, the ill-behaved chemical compounds are the cause of the high blood pressure and, therefore, the solution is to regulate these chemicals. That's exactly what pharmaceuticals do-they attempt to manipulate the chemicals in the body to adjust the symptoms of high blood pressure. Thus, they only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

Or take a look at high cholesterol. The conventional medicine approach says that high cholesterol is caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, which is the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the treatment for high cholesterol is a prescription drug that inhibits the liver's production of cholesterol (statin drugs). Upon taking these drugs, the high cholesterol (the "disease") is regulated, but what was causing the liver to overproduce cholesterol in the first place? That causative factor remains ignored.

The root cause of high cholesterol, as it turns out, is primarily dietary. A person who eats foods that are high in saturated fats and hydrogenated oils will inevitably produce more bad cholesterol and will show the symptoms of this so-called disease of high cholesterol. It's simple cause-and-effect. Eat the wrong foods, and you'll produce too much bad cholesterol in the liver which can be detected and diagnosed by conventional medical procedures.

Yet the root cause of all this is actually poor food choice, not some bizarre behavior by the liver. If the disease were to be accurately named, then, it would be called Fatty Food Choice Disease, or simply FFCD.

FFCD would be a far more accurate name that would make sense to people. If it's a fatty food choice disease, then it seems that the obvious solution to the disease would be to choose foods that aren't so fatty.
This may be a bit of an over-simplification since you have to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. But at least the name FFCD gives patients a better idea of what's actually going on rather than naming the disease after a symptom, such as high cholesterol.

You see, the symptom is not the disease, but conventional medicine insists on calling the symptom the disease because that way it can treat the symptom and claim success without actually addressing the underlying cause, which continues to remain a mystery for modern medicine.

But let's move on to some other diseases so you get a clearer picture of how this actually works. Another disease that's caused by poor food choice is diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the natural physiological and metabolic result of a person consuming refined carbohydrates and added sugars in large quantities without engaging in regular physical exercise that would compensate for such dietary practices.

The name "diabetes" is meaningless to the average person. The disease should be called Excessive Sugar Disease, or ESD. If it were called Excessive Sugar Disease, the solution to it would be rather apparent; simply eat less sugar, drink fewer soft drinks and so on. But of course that would be far too simple for the medical community, so the disease must be given a complex name such as diabetes, effectively putting its solution beyond the intellectual reach of most patients.

Another disease that is named after its symptom is cancer. In fact, to this day, most doctors and many patients still believe that cancer is a physical thing: A tumor. In reality, a tumor is only a side effect of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a physical manifestation of a cancer pattern that is expressed by the body. When a person "has cancer," what they really have is a sluggish immune system. And that would be a far better name for the disease: Sluggish Immune System Disease or SISD.

If cancer were actually called Sluggish Immune System Disease, it would seem ridiculous to try to cure cancer by cutting out tumors through surgery and by destroying the immune system with chemotherapy. Yet these are precisely the most popular treatments for cancer offered by conventional medicine.

These treatments do absolutely nothing to support the patient's immune system in order to prevent further occurrences of cancer. That's exactly why most people who undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors through surgical procedures end up with more cancer a few months or a few years later.
It also explains why survival rates for cancer have barely budged over the last 20 years (In other words, conventional medicine's treatments for cancer simply don't work).

This whole situation stems from the fact that the disease is misnamed. It isn't cancer, it isn't a tumor and it certainly isn't a disease caused by having too strong of an immune system that needs to be destroyed through chemotherapy. It is simply a sluggish immune system or a suppressed immune system. And if it were called a sluggish immune system disease or a suppressed immune system disorder, the effective treatment for SISD would be apparent.

Secret language
Many other diseases have been given misleading names by western medicine. But if you take a look at how diseases are named elsewhere, you will find many countries have disease names that actually make sense. For example, in Chinese medicine, Alzheimer's disease is given a name that means, when translated, "feeble mind disease."

In Chinese medicine, the name of the disease more accurately describes the actual cause of the disease, whereas in western medicine, the name of the disease seems to be intended to obscure the root cause of the disease, thereby making all diseases sound far more complex and mysterious than they really are.
This is one way in which doctors and practitioners of western medicine keep medical treatments out of the reach of the average citizen. Because, by God, they sure don't want people thinking for themselves about the causes of disease!

By creating a whole new vocabulary for medical conditions, they can speak their own secret language and make sure that people who aren't schooled in medicine won't understand what they're saying.
That's a shame, because the treatments and cures for virtually all chronic diseases are actually quite simple and can be described in plain language, such as making different food choices, getting more natural sunlight, drinking more water, engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding specific food toxins, supplementing your diet with superfoods and nutritional supplements and so on.

See, western medicine prefers to describe diseases in terms of chemistry. When you're depressed, you aren't suffering from a lack of natural sunlight; you are suffering from a "brain chemistry imbalance" that can only be regulated, they claim, by ingesting toxic chemicals to alter your brain chemistry.

When your bones are brittle, it's not brittle bone disease; it's called osteoporosis, something that sounds very technical and complicated. And to treat it, western doctors and physicians will give you prescriptions for expensive drugs that somehow claim to make your bones less brittle.

But in fact, the real treatment for this can be described in plain language once again: regular physical exercise, vitamin D supplementation, mineral supplements that include calcium and strontium, natural sunlight, and avoidance of acidic foods such as soft drinks, white flour and added sugars.

Virtually every disease that's prominent in modern society-diabetes, cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, clinical depression, irritable bowel syndrome and so on-can be easily described in plain language without using complex terms at all.

These diseases are simply misnamed. And I believe they are intentionally misnamed to put the medical jargon, and therefore medical diagnosis, treatment and prevention, beyond the comprehension of everyday citizens.

The language of health and healing
Mastery of their secret language has created a great deal of arrogance among the practitioners of western medicine. This arrogance deepens the divide between doctors and their patients. Division never results in healing. In order to effect healing, we must bridge the communication between healers and patients using plain language that ordinary people understand and act upon without learning a new language.

We need to start describing diseases in terms of their root causes, not in terms of their arcane, biochemical actions. When someone suffers from seasonal affective disorder or clinical depression, for example, let's call it what it is: Sunlight Deficiency Disorder (SDD). To treat it, the person simply needs to get more sunlight. This isn't rocket science, it's not complex, and it doesn't require a prescription.

If someone is suffering from osteoporosis, let's get realistic about the words we use to describe the condition-it's really Brittle Bone Disease. And it should be treated with things that will enhance bone density, such as nutrition, physical exercise and avoidance of foods and drinks that strip the human body of bone mass.

All of this information, of course, is rather shocking to old-school doctors and practitioners of western medicine, and the bigger their egos are, the more they hate the idea of naming diseases in plain language that patients can actually comprehend. That's because if the simple truths about diseases and their causes were known, health would be more readily available to everyday people, and that would lessen the importance of physicians and medical researchers.

There's a great deal of ego invested in the medical community, and it sure doesn't want to make sound health attainable to the average person without their expert advice. It's sort of the same way that some churches don't want their members talking to God unless they go through their priesthood first.

Doctors and priests all want to serve as the translators of "truth" and will balk at any attempts to educate the public to either practice medicine or talk to God on their own.

But in reality, health (and a connection with spirit) is attainable by every single person. Health is easy, it is straightforward, it is direct and, for the most part, available free of charge. A personal connection with God is the same, if we ask humbly in prayer for a relationship with Him, and guidance.

Don't believe the names of diseases given to you by your doctor. Those names are designed to obscure, not to inform. They are designed to separate you from self-healing, not to put you in touch with your own inner healer. And thus, they are nothing more than bad medicine masquerading as modern medical practice.

Author Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist with over 4,000 hours of study on nutrition, wellness, food toxicology and the true causes of disease and health. He is well versed on nutritional and lifestyle therapies for weight loss and disease prevention/reversal. Adams uses no prescription drugs whatsoever to maintain optimal blood chemistry and he relies exclusively on natural health, nutrition and exercise to achieve optimum health.

Adams' books include the Seven Laws of Nutrition, The Five Soft Drink Monsters and Superfoods For Optimum Health. In his "spare" time, Adams is president and CEO of a well-known email marketing software company.

What, exactly, did we inherit?

"Heart disease [cancer, diabetes, poor circulation, male pattern balding, stinky feet, schizophrenia] runs in our family." "I come from a long line of men [women] who live into their 90s."

We have been conditioned by "experts" in medicine and the media to ascribe our physical attributes (strengths and weaknesses) to genetics. Surely we inherit many traits from our parents, but where do inherited genes end and inherited habits begin?

Organized medicine prefers that we believe our health is genetically predetermined. If we believe we are powerless to correct health problems on our own, organized medicine can sell us drugs and surgeries to allegedly overcome our presumed genetic weaknesses.

At ASH, we have seen how altering lifelong eating and drinking habits, incorporating exercise into daily activities and developing a more positive attitude toward life can dramatically improve conditions presumed to be genetically "hard wired" into our bodies.

Interesting Critter Category

Interesting critter category:
Guinea pigs, apes, fruit bats and humans

What do guinea pigs, apes, some fruit bats and humans have in common? They all share the inability to produce their own ascorbic acid (vitamin C). All other animals produce vitamin C endogenously, or inside their own bodies.

Scientists believe they have evidence suggesting that humans used to produce their own ascorbic acid from an enzyme produced in the liver. But something happened and humans now depend on dietary sources of vitamin C.

Guinea pigs, apes, some fruit bats and humans share another trait: The tendency to develop coronary heart disease. The development of heart disease only occurs in animals and humans that lack adequate intake of ascorbates through dietary sources.

It has also been observed that zoo animals, such as gorillas fed processed "gorilla chow" readily develop heart disease unless they are supplied with adequate amounts of ascorbates.

By comparing the amount of vitamin C produced endogenously in animals that do not develop heart disease, we can get a good idea of how much vitamin C is essential to maintain cardiovascular health in humans.
Goats, cows, dogs, cats, squirrels and rabbits manufacture ascorbic acid at a rate of about 10 g per 70 kg (154 pounds) of body weight. In other words, to achieve the levels of ascorbic acid produced by animals that do not develop coronary heart disease, a 154-pound human would need to ingest 10 g of dietary or supplemental vitamin C daily.

Noting that 1,000 mg = 1 g, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has established the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C at 35 mg for infants; 45-50 mg for children and 60 mg for adults.
According to the FDA, humans require about 200 times less vitamin C than animals to maintain optimal health.

The late Dr. Fred Klenner was one of the world's foremost authorities on vitamin C. He believed that the government's concept of daily minimal intakes should be abolished because, "The physiological requirements [for ascorbic acid] in man are no different than other mammals capable of carrying out this synthesis."

Judging from the numbers of people being stricken by and succumbing to heart disease in the U.S., it would appear that Dr. Klenner (and doctors Pauling, Irwin Stone, Glenn Dettman and Archie Kalokerinos) are correct about the levels of ascorbic acid necessary to maintain optimal cardiovascular health.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Perfect Balance and Applied Logic

 Perfect Balance and Applied Logic

Perfect balance and applied logic In the beginning, the earth's atmosphere was 37% oxygen and humans manufactured their own supply of ascorbates. Now the atmosphere is 20% oxygen and, through a genetic fluke sometime in history, humans quit producing ascorbates.

Ascorbates introduce oxygen into the body which increases its alkalinity.
Oxygen is essential to metabolize food and create high energy; it is also impossible for cancer to exist in an alkaline, oxygen-rich environment.

Ascorbates are essential to keep the skin smooth and pliable. Similarly, ascorbates keep the artery walls smooth and pliable making it nearly impossible for heart disease to develop.

Scientists have simply shown us how to:

1) Supply the body with natural buffered mineral ascorbates to prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease.
2) Raise the body's alkalinity level to increase oxygen at the cellular level and eliminate cancer.
3) Correct hormonal imbalances to regulate blood sugar levels and reverse diabetes. As a result, energy and stamina are restored and weight loss becomes effortless.

As more people learn how to apply these three elemental principles to their daily healthcare regimens, chronic autoimmune diseases such as cancer, heart disease, MS, lupus and Parkinsons will no longer plague our society. Orthomolecular nutrition is the logical and safe way of returning the body to its original state of health-no cutting, no burning, no radiation and no drugs.

Basics of Diabetes

The basics of diabetes
When a person's pancreas ceases to produce adequate amounts of the hormone/enzyme insulin, which regulates the levels of sugar in the blood, we call this condition diabetes. Though the chemistry of diabetes is extremely complex, it is not difficult to explain in practical terms. Type-I diabetes, or "juvenile-onset diabetes," is diagnosed in children and young adults who are unable to produce insulin and are, therefore, incapable of regulating blood/sugar levels internally.
The common belief is that type-I diabetics were born with an irreversible pancreatic disorder and are, therefore, incurably dependent on insulin injections until they die.
A Type-I diabetes diagnosis is not necessarily incurable. Often pancreatic tissues become damaged by a class of parasites called "flukes." After eliminating the parasites, orthomolecular protocols discussed in this guide may be employed to heal damaged pancreatic tissues. Once the organ itself heals, its proper functions may be restored and normal insulin production may begin or resume. Young children have a tendency to readily regenerate damaged tissue-that includes damaged pancreatic tissue.
Type-II diabetes, often referred to as "adult-onset diabetes," is epidemic among American adults. In recent years, increasing numbers of children and young people are being diagnosed with type-II diabetes.
Type-II diabetics, however, are considered "curable" because their blood sugar aberrations have developed over time through poor eating, drinking and smoking habits combined with sedentary lifestyles.
It is estimated that 90 percent of type-II diabetes cases can be prevented/reversed if people refrain from eating, drinking and smoking substances identified with the development of diabetes-and get more exercise.

In both types of diabetes, insulin production is not sufficient to properly oxidize carbohydrates (sugars). This leads to improper carbohydrate utilization by the body which leads to abnormalities in the metabolism of fats and proteins. Ultimately, the end products of fat metabolism accumulate in the blood.
Unfortunately, the most commonly prescribed treatments for diabetes make no attempt to correct the foundational problem: The inability of the pancreas to produce insulin.
This oversight insures that diabetics will eventually experience strokes, both ischaemic and haemorrhagic heart failure, obesity, atherosclerosis, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, impotence, retinopathy, renal failure, liver failure, polycystic ovary syndrome (if you are a woman), elevated blood sugar, systemic candida, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, poor wound healing, impaired fat metabolism, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic coma and death.
Type-I and type-II diabetics have reported that they have been able to reverse their symptoms with diet, exercise, MoRE or No Fool i, Master Formula II and RAANOW

Basics of Heart Disease

The Basics of Heart Disease

There are thousands of species of animals on Earth and only four do not produce their own ascorbates.  Science has shown that many of the body's systems require ascorbates to function properly. Those systems, in the absence of ascorbates, will fall into dysfunction and disrepair.
Ascorbate deficiency has been irrefutably linked to the world's #1 killer-heart disease.
Ascorbate deficiency causes microscopic cracks, or lesions, to develop in arteries. Another term for the condition is "sub-clinical scurvy."

The body's response to these lesions is to "patch" them with the lipoprotein we know as LDL (lower-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. If the body did not patch these lesions, we would die from internal bleeding.
(Note: LDL cholesterol has been maligned as the "bad cholesterol" because cardiologists find it lining and, eventually, blocking blood vessels and arteries. The body creates "good" HDL [high-density lipoprotein] cholesterol to carry fats straight to the liver where they are eliminated as bile acids through the gall bladder and, ultimately, the intestines).

As time elapses, the cracks become more numerous and the older LDL cholesterol patches harden into plaque. The process causes the diameter of the arteries to become narrower.

This is why "high blood pressure" is usually the first sign of heart disease-its a law of nature that when the flow of liquid is restricted, increased pressure results.

Eventually, the restriction can become a blockage, shutting off the flow of blood to tissue in certain areas of the body. This eventuality damages tissue and leads to angina, strokes or heart attacks. Plaque and clumping blood can also break away from their moorings, travel to the heart and cause a heart attack.

Upon review, we now understand that the cause of heart disease is ascorbate defiency, which causes lesions in blood veins, vessels and arteries and that the body's response is to patch the lesions with LDL cholesterol to prevent us from bleeding to death. This process causes restrictions in blood flow which causes high blood pressure, eventually resulting in angina and heart attack.

Our task is to reverse the condition causing vesicular/arterial lesions and remove the plaque that has accumulated to patch these lesions.

Taskmaster: MoRE and No Fool i

Basics of Cancer

The Basics of Cancer
"Acidosis" is the scientific term for a body that has a pH below 7.0. In this state, the body is deprived of oxygen causing one to be more susceptible to colds, flus and other diseases/infections. This state also contributes to accelerated aging. Our modern lives give us ample opportunity to become acidic. Commonly-consumed acid-forming foods and beverages include meat, dairy products, sugar, coffee and alcohol. Environmental exposure to solvents, herbicides, pesticides and other chemical toxins boost our tendency to become acidic.

Acidosis is the cause of America's #2 killer-cancer. In order to understand the basics of cancer, we must first understand the acid/alkaline balance (see page 4). Understanding the acid/alkaline balance, the following summary makes perfect sense: The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.
Over 75 years ago, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for demonstrating that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH at the cellular level.

Warburg, in his Nobel Prize winning papers, described the environment of the cancer cell: A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. Cancer cells then begin to multiply without restraint.

The lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as it destroys cell enzymes; the cancer appears as a rapidly-growing external cell covering with a core of dead cells. We know cell masses of this description as "tumors."

Subsequent research by Keith Brewer, Ph.D and H.E. Satori has shown that cancer cannot exist when the body's pH is raised to 8.0.

Dr. Brewer developed a protocol to therapeutically raise pH with the element cesium in conjunction with potassium.

Taskmaster: Master Formula II and Cesium Carbonate

Root Cause of Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes

Has anyone ever explained to you the root causes of Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes?
Most Americans are scheduled to die slowly, painfully and expensively of cancer, heart disease or complications of other chronic conditions such as MS, Parkinsons or diabetes. Apparently, we are supposed to succumb to these diseases without knowing why we got them. Following are the basics of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Once you understand the basics, death becomes an option-not a sealed fate-for those who suffer from chronic illnesses.
The basics of heart disease.
There are thousands of species of animals on Earth and only four do not produce their own ascorbates.  Science has shown that many of the body's systems require ascorbates to function properly. Those systems, in the absence of ascorbates, will fall into dysfunction and disrepair. Ascorbate deficiency has been irrefutably linked to the world's #1 killer-heart disease.
Ascorbate deficiency causes microscopic cracks, or lesions, to develop in arteries. Another term for the condition is "sub-clinical scurvy."
The body's response to these lesions is to "patch" them with the lipoprotein we know as LDL (lower-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. If the body did not patch these lesions, we would die from internal bleeding.
(Note: LDL cholesterol has been maligned as the "bad cholesterol" because cardiologists find it lining and, eventually, blocking blood vessels and arteries. The body creates "good" HDL [high-density lipoprotein] cholesterol to carry fats straight to the liver where they are eliminated as bile acids through the gall bladder and, ultimately, the intestines).
As time elapses, the cracks become more numerous and the older LDL cholesterol patches harden into plaque. The process causes the diameter of the arteries to become narrower.
This is why "high blood pressure" is usually the first sign of heart disease-its a law of nature that when the flow of liquid is restricted, increased pressure results.
Eventually, the restriction can become a blockage, shutting off the flow of blood to tissue in certain areas of the body. This eventuality damages tissue and leads to angina, strokes or heart attacks. Plaque and clumping blood can also break away from their moorings, travel to the heart and cause a heart attack.

Upon review, we now understand that the cause of heart disease is ascorbate defiency, which causes lesions in blood veins, vessels and arteries and that the body's response is to patch the lesions with LDL cholesterol to prevent us from bleeding to death. This process causes restrictions in blood flow which causes high blood pressure, eventually resulting in angina and heart attack.
Our task is to reverse the condition causing vesicular/arterial lesions and remove the plaque that has accumulated to patch these lesions.
Taskmaster: MoRE, No Fool i
The Basics of Cancer
"Acidosis" is the scientific term for a body that has a pH below 7.0. In this state, the body is deprived of oxygen causing one to be more susceptible to colds, flus and other diseases/infections. This state also contributes to accelerated aging. Our modern lives give us ample opportunity to become acidic. Commonly-consumed acid-forming foods and beverages include meat, dairy products, sugar, coffee and alcohol. Environmental exposure to solvents, herbicides, pesticides and other chemical toxins boost our tendency to become acidic.
Acidosis is the cause of America's #2 killer-cancer. In order to understand the basics of cancer, we must first undestand the acid/alkaline balance (see page 4). Understanding the acid/alkaline balance, the following summary makes perfect sense: The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.
Over 75 years ago, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for demonstrating that cancer results when weakened cell respiration occurs due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in low pH at the cellular level.
Dr. Warburg, in his Nobel Prize winning papers, described the environment of the cancer cell: A normal healthy cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take in oxygen to convert glucose into energy. In the absence of oxygen, the cell reverts to a primal nutritional program to nourish itself by converting glucose through the process of fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. Cancer cells then begin to multiply without restraint.

The lactic acid simultaneously causes severe local pain as it destroys cell enzymes; the cancer appears as a rapidly-growing external cell covering with a core of dead cells. We know cell masses of this description as "tumors."
Subsequent research by Keith Brewer, Ph.D and H.E. Satori has shown that cancer cannot exist when the body's pH is raised to 8.0.
Dr. Brewer developed a protocol to therapeutically raise pH with the element cesium in conjunction with potassium.
Taskmaster: Master Formula II and Cesium Carbonate
The basics of diabetes
When a person's pancreas ceases to produce adequate amounts of the hormone/enzyme insulin, which regulates the levels of sugar in the blood, we call this condition diabetes. Though the chemistry of diabetes is extremely complex, it is not difficult to explain in practical terms. Type-I diabetes, or "juvenile-onset diabetes," is diagnosed in children and young adults who are unable to produce insulin and are, therefore, incapable of regulating blood/sugar levels internally.
The common belief is that type-I diabetics were born with an irreversible pancreatic disorder and are, therefore, incurably dependent on insulin injections until they die.
A Type-I diabetes diagnosis is not necessarily incurable. Often pancreatic tissues become damaged by a class of parasites called "flukes." After eliminating the parasites, orthomolecular protocols discussed in this guide may be employed to heal damaged pancreatic tissues. Once the organ itself heals, its proper functions may be restored and normal insulin production may begin or resume. Young children have a tendency to readily regenerate damaged tissue-that includes damaged pancreatic tissue.
Type-II diabetes, often referred to as "adult-onset diabetes," is epidemic among American adults. In recent years, increasing numbers of children and young people are being diagnosed with type-II diabetes.
Type-II diabetics, however, are considered "curable" because their blood sugar aberrations have developed over time through poor eating, drinking and smoking habits combined with sedentary lifestyles.
It is estimated that 90 percent of type-II diabetes cases can be prevented/reversed if people refrain from eating, drinking and smoking substances identified with the development of diabetes-and get more exercise.

In both types of diabetes, insulin production is not sufficient to properly oxidize carbohydrates (sugars). This leads to improper carbohydrate utilization by the body which leads to abnormalities in the metabolism of fats and proteins. Ultimately, the end products of fat metabolism accumulate in the blood.
Unfortunately, the most commonly prescribed treatments for diabetes make no attempt to correct the foundational problem: The inability of the pancreas to produce insulin.
This oversight insures that diabetics will eventually experience strokes, both ischaemic and haemorrhagic heart failure, obesity, atherosclerosis, elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, impotence, retinopathy, renal failure, liver failure, polycystic ovary syndrome (if you are a woman), elevated blood sugar, systemic candida, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, poor wound healing, impaired fat metabolism, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic coma and death.
Type-I and type-II diabetics have reported that they have been able to reverse their symptoms with diet, exercise, MoRE, No Fool i, Master Formulas II and RAANOW

Reversing Chronic Disease

Reversing chronic disease is elemental
Most people believe that genetics or bad luck gave them diseases for which the only treatments are drugs and surgeries. As a result, organized medicine will sell an estimated two-trillion-dollars worth of drugs and surgeries in 2005.

Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year more, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and surgically-treated diseases.

Drs. Otto Warburg and Linus Pauling were awarded Nobel Prizes for pioneering simple, inexpensive protocols to prevent or reverse chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. They determined that chronic diseases develop in the presence of acidic/unoxygenated cells caused by bodily imbalances resulting from malnutrition. Simply giving the body the few nutrients it needs restores balance; oxygenation and alkalinization then follow so that real healing can begin.

The process is truly elemental. By learning how your body works and why it gets sick, you can then obtain the non-patentable vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids known to reverse disease symptoms that may have otherwise been terminal.

Once you know how your body works, you can teach others how their bodies work. Whether they know it yet or not, they are depending on you.

3 Elements of Optimal Health

Our health relies on trillions of cells repeatedly performing billions of specialized functions. Though the processes and systems that animate our bodies are phenomenally complex, what the cells driving them need is simple-simple to understand and simple to provide. You are about to discover the three elements of optimal health-the collagen matrix, acid/alkaline balance and hormonal balance.
Element I: The collagen matrix
The entire body is held together by connective tissue. Collagen is the strong, fibrous protein that serves as the building block for connective tissues-including skin, tendons, ligaments, eyes and arteries.
Collagen is like the glue that holds the body together. Collagen production is dependent upon ample supplies of ascorbates.
While most animals produce their own ascorbates from the food they eat, humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats and primates do not. Scientists believe that about 10,000 years ago humans could produce their own ascorbates.
Unless sufficient quantities of usable ascorbates are ingested daily, the collagen matrix becomes stiff and brittle: Skin wrinkles, backs ache, ligaments pull and the little sacs in the lungs get stiff-causing blood vessels and arteries to crack.
Also critical to the production of collagen are the amino acids lysine and proline. When our bodies do not have enough vitamin C, they cannot use the amino acids lysine and proline to make the proper cross links in the collagen. Like ascorbates, humans must obtain lysine from dietary sources. Our dietary intake is usually deficient in lysine. Proline can be produced by the body but usually in inadequate quantities. Lysine and proline are essential for proper collagen formation and to prevent cholesterol build-up in the form of plaque.
Symptoms caused by ascorbate deficiencies (and the body's subsequent inabilityto utilize lysine and proline) are traditionally referred to as "scurvy." The body can, for a time, manufacture enough lipoproteins from blood plasma to "patch" the vesicular/arterial cracks. The patch material is commonly called "plaque." As the plaque gets thicker, vessels and arteries can no longer flex and blood flow is restricted.
As a result, the resting heart rate increases. This condition is commonly diagnosed as "high blood pressure."
Over time, vessels and arteries can become so cracked and plaqued that people lose blood internally, eventually resulting in a heart attack.
High blood pressure, also known as hypoascorbemia, is advance warning that the host is preparing to become another heart disease statistic.
A diet rich in ascorbates can prevent scurvy and, to some extent, therapeutic doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can reverse the deficiency and other chronic conditions created by a lack of vitamin C. But ascorbic acid is only one form of ascorbate and can cause digestive discomfort when therapeutic doses are administered.
Buffered mineral ascorbates (sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate) can be taken daily in larger quantities without discomfort. The only substances capable of healing damaged vessels and arteries are ascorbates.
It should also be noted that the presence of buffered mineral ascorbates prevents and/or reverses the symptoms of high blood sugar, commonly referred to as "diabetes."
There are no surgical procedures to be performed nor drugs taken that will remove the plaque and heal cracked vessels and arteries.
Element II: Acid/alkaline balance
The second element is the acid/alkaline balance in the body. It is monitored by measuring the "pH (the symbol for hydrogen ion concentration)" which is regulated by the body's oxygen saturation level. The body must be slightly alkaline for its cells to be properly oxygenated. The pH scale goes from zero to 14-zero being purely acid, 14 being purely alkaline and 7 being "neutral pH."
Without exception, people with cancer have a pH below 7.0, which means their tissues, their cells, are not being properly oxygenated. This condition is called "acidosis."
People with a body pH over 7.4 do not have cancer because their cells and tissues are being properly oxygenated.
Contrary to current medical information, cancer is the easiest of all degenerative diseases to understand and is readily reversible without dangerous drugs and surgeries.
The body is constantly regulating the replacement of worn out cells while creating new cells to repair tissue damage.
"Cancerous" is the term applied to cells that reproduce in an unregulated manner until they form a tissue mass, or "tumor."
In order to create a cancerous cell in the lab, technicians simply withhold oxygen from a healthy cell and it becomes cancerous within a few hours. Conversely, supplying the cancerous cell with more oxygen than was withheld from it causes that cancerous cell to die within a few hours.
An individual cell cannot be cured of cancer; once cancerous, the cell must be destroyed.
The natural way to accomplish the feat of destroying cancer cells is exposing them to oxygen. Increasing the amount of oxygen available to the cells is accomplished by elevating body pH through diet and exercise.
In cases where elevating body pH is critical, the most alkalinizing element known to man is cesium. Daily intake of cesium, with potassium, will quickly increase body pH. It has been demonstrated that cancerous cells cannot survive in a pH of 8.0.
Once cancerous cells have been destroyed, maintaining body pH at 7.4-7.5 will prevent cells from becoming cancerous.
There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs taken that will restore or maintain the body's acid/alkaline balance
Element III: Hormonal balance
The third element is the balance between the hormone insulin and growth hormone. People with the highest levels of the growth hormone somatotrophin (STH) live the longest. Insulin, produced in the pancreas, is secreted to regulate the rate at which the body utilizes carbohydrates. When we consume carbohydrates (sugars and starches), insulin is released to lower the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insulin also promotes the use of glucose as an energy source for the body, promotes the storage of fat and encourages the conversion of proteins to fat for storage.
Produced in the pituitary gland, STH increases the rate of protein synthesis, affects the metabolism of sodium, potassium and calcium and influences the metabolism of carbohydrates. The purpose of STH is to convert the body's available energy into bone, muscle and tissue growth.
When we are young, our bodies have a low ratio of insulin to STH so we are healthier, leaner, full of energy-and growing. The insulin encourages the body to store carbohydrates as fat while STH stimulates the burning of that fat.
Due to age and inactivity, stored carbohydrates accumulate in the form of fat. Because we are now full-grown, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland to release less and less STH. This causes the pancreas to produce more insulin in order to maintain proper blood sugar levels. The visible result of this hormonal imbalance is weight gain. The chronic symptoms of this imbalance is hypoglycemia. If not corrected, diabetes is the end result.
There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs that can be taken to maintain optimal levels of both insulin and STH.