Friday, September 17, 2010

Is "vitamin C" really a vitamin?

After 40 years of research, Dr. Irwin Stone stated his conclusion that an ancient genetic mutation left the primate virtually alone among animals in not producing ascorbic acid in his own body. By labeling ascorbic acid a "vitamin" and attaching to it a "minimum daily requirement," most people exist in a state of sub-clinical scurvy-the symptoms of which are attributed to other ailments.

By the 1950s Dr. Stone's work with ascorbates had explained the success of Dr. Klenner's use of ascorbic acid to treat polio. By the 1960s, Dr. Stone's work had attracted the attention of Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling . Dr. Pauling was then able to successfully apply "mega-ascorbate therapy" to a variety of ailments-including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

The answer is to change our thinking about vitamin C-which is really a metabolite that is essential to health and healing at the molecular level. Dr. Stone's foundational research has provided us with the knowledge to ward off disease, counteract the ill effects of pollution and prolong our lives-easily and inexpensively.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Good Food = The Basics

Every solution is either acidic or alkaline. (Alkaline is often called "base.") These solutions can be anything from body fluids, such as stomach acid and blood, to beverages, such as wine or coffee, to sea water. Acidity and alkalinity are measured in pH (potential of hydrogen). The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 0 the most acidic, and 14 the most alkaline. The pH of stomach acid is 1, wine is 3.5, water is 7 (neutral), venous blood is 7.35, arterial blood is 7.4, sea water is 8.5, and baking soda is 12. Ideally, our pH should stay on the alkaline side: between 7.35 and 7.45.

Keeping our acidity and alkalinity balanced means regulating the hydrogen ion concentration in our body fluids. An acid is a molecule or ion (an ion is an atom that carries a positive or negative electric charge) that can contribute a hydrogen ion to a solution. An alkalizing substance is one that contains a molecule or ion that combines with hydrogen ions to remove them from a solution_it neutralizes acids and acts as a buffer.

The Misconceptions

Foods are classified as acid-forming or alkalizing depending on the effect they have on the body. An acid-forming food contributes hydrogen ions to the body, making it more acidic. An alkalizing food removes hydrogen ions from the body, making it more alkaline. It is important to note that this classification is based on the effect foods have on the body after digestion, not on their own intrinsic acidity or alkalinity (or how they taste to us). A common misconception is that if a food tastes acidic, it has an acid-forming effect on the body. This is not necessarily true. Very often, an acidic-tasting food is alkalizing. Citric fruits are a good example. People say that lemons, for example, are "too acidic"; however, they are actually alkalizing because the minerals they leave behind after digestion help remove hydrogen ions, decreasing the acidity of the body. (Many people use the term "residue" or "ash" to explain the effect of a food on the body. A food with an acid ash after digestion contributes hydrogen ions, making the body more acidic; a food with an alkaline ash after digestion removes hydrogen ions, making the body more alkaline.)

Another misconception is that acid-forming foods are "bad." This is not correct; acidity and alkalinity are opposites and one is not intrinsically better than the other. This misconception has developed because the North American diet is excessively acidic, which does result in health problems.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

3 Important Facts:

There are 3 important facts that this ever-growing group of ASH Researchers have learned:

We have learned that most families and in fact most licensed health care providers have primarily been educated throughout our lives and have become quite familiar with the Medical Mainstream health care system which is limited to the use of chemicals, radiation and surgeries.

The researchers found the Alternative Healthcare Community provides simple applications of remedies that offer relief of many symptoms and they will not cause further harm to the body's own abilities to heal itself. However, although these remedies are much safer than the medical approach they may not always address the underlying cause of the pain, suffering and inabilities of the body.

The researchers found and investigated the Scientific Health Community that few are aware of. We found that application of the facts and findings from the scientific health community provided us with the knowledge of how to actually help our bodies to heal themselves. We found the reason that this community has not been readily available to health care professionals and families was that it did not have a vehicle in place to provide the essential and vital facts to those that need it the most.

The ASH researchers have been blessed with the knowledge from the scientific community. The ASH program serves as the vehicle providing an entire education program for anyone that wishes to make the time to learn.

In Joy!

Vickie Barker - ASH Founder
ASH Researcher since 1999

Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Law of Health and Disease

Just as there is the Law of Gravity, Law of Relativity and Law of Attraction there is also the Law of Health and Disease.

Neglecting this simple Law of Health & Disease is the major contributor to the current health care crisis facing this nation and others around the world. The numbers being diagnosed with and treated for degenerative diseases continue to rise. Increase in the costs of treating these so-called diseases also continues to rise.

Unfortunately, the Law of Health and Disease is not taken under consideration nor is it being factored in to the diagnosis, prognosis, medical treatment plans or procedures provided by the medical mainstream professionals or the alternative health care community.

However, the Law of Health and Disease IS recognized and addressed in sound science. Sound science is 100%. The Advanced Scientific Health Group has developed an entire, concise and comprehensive education program for anyone willing to learn.

Science has proven that the human body was Created PERFECTLY. Applying the knowledge from the Insider Doctors and Scientists will be your proof.

Isn't it time we take a more logical approach to health and disease?

Live, Love & Breathe,

Vickie Barker - ASH Family Advocate